Ash Cloud Hit Europe Again - Hundreds more flights will be canceled this morning as a second cloud of volcanic ash drifts across Britain.
"Forecasts also show the ash cloud is likely to continue moving south."Because of this, airports in Scotland and Northern Ireland were set to close from 7am - and there were fears North-West England and North Wales could also be hit.The Civil Aviation Authority urged people hoping to fly to contact their airlines before going to the airport. Northern Ireland and the Republic were hit by flight restrictions yesterday. Services were also suspended the north of Scotland due to ash cloud from Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajokullin as the emergency response committee was reactivated.
To add to the misery a 24-hour general strike in Greece means flights there being axed tomorrow. The Association of British Insurers said firms face a £62million bill to compensate travellers. A Europe-wide "complaints package" became available on the internet yesterday to help people get refunds.