Burning Quran in Florida, this be implemented in several cities in the U.S. to appease the souls of those killed in the incident, 9 / 11 that took place in 2001. All because of this incident has been placed on Muslims and their religion as they have been indicted and disgraced in the world today for this problem. Latest updates that the UN has declared the Koran burns in Florida as a horrible thing that is not a good way to display hatred.
Burning Quran in Florida is one approach to show a hatred of Christians and Muslims who believe that Muslims have a total staff of his concerns with his teachings and actions. At that time complicated Burning Quran in the event of Florida will not, as emanate a review or proof of a Muslim, to strengthen their Holy Book. The Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki Moon, is also against the Quran Burning in Florida it has also been said that all the reconciliations will be ended among the Americans and the people of Afghanistan if these types of acts will be carried out against the Muslims.
Moreover, Obama called the event as a “ruse” and called for the lifting of the. He called the whole the event is contrary to the values of the United States and said the country was built on the concept of freedom and religious tolerance.