American Idol Vote Online

Watch “American Idol” Season 10 Episode 13 tonight and check out the new online voting this year. American idol goes live tonight and there is a new thing in this year’s voting system. The top American show has announced the new voting system: online voting through facebook.

To vote online:

Online voting is available to Facebook account holders. Simply go to and follow the links to vote. Vote online at the end of each performance show. Online voting closes 2 hours after the Hawaii broadcast of a performance show. During the vote window, you will see a ‘vote’ button. When you click on the ‘vote’ button you will be directed to a Facebook login page where you will need to enter your e-mail address and password to log in (if you are not already logged in to Facebook). If you do not currently have a Facebook account you will not be able to vote online unless you create a new account (but you can still vote via toll-free and if you are an AT&T subscriber you can also vote via AT&T Text Messaging). Once you successfully log in using your Facebook account you will be prompted to select the contestant for whom you want to vote and complete a ‘CAPTCHA’ and click ‘vote’. A CAPTCHA is a security measure which requires you to enter the scrambled letters/numbers you see on your screen. If you do not correctly enter the CAPTCHA information you will be prompted to try again. If you successfully submit your vote, you will receive a page which thanks you for your vote, asks you if you want to post your vote to your Facebook page and if you want to vote again. Note, you are not required to post to your Facebook page, this is just an optional feature offered.

You may vote up to 50 times per performance show. Any additional votes you cast or attempt to cast above this limit will NOT count.

If you are experiencing trouble with any of the three vote methods, remember that you can always try another voting method. Read more about American Idol this season!!!