House Passes Vikings Stadium Bill

After several years, the Minnesota House passed a compromise plan to fund a new stadium for the Minnesota Vikings, The Minnesota House voted 73-58 on Monday favor of the plan for a new facility to be built on top of the current Metrodome location, with rough costs covered by Minnesota and Minneapolis taxpayers. 

The state Senate act on a competing version this Tuesday and end with votation 

Area House members voting for the bill: Abeler, Atkins, Benson, Davids, Dittrich, Fritz, Garofalo, Gottwalt, Hilstrom, Hortman, Knuth, Kriesel, LeMieur, McNamara, Nelson, Sanders, Simon, Tillberry and Winkler.

Voting against: Anderson, B., Anderson, S., Barrett, Bills, Buesgens, Daudt, Dean, Dettmer, Downey, Erickson, Hackbarth, Hansen, Holberg, Kieffer, Kiffmeyer, Laine, Lenczewski, Loon, Mack, McDonald, Myhra, Peppin, Petersen, B., Runbeck, Scott, Wardlow and Zellers.